Improved the XML line commenter to comment the entire line text when there is no selection.Structure-based drug design depends on the detailed knowledge of the three-dimensional (3D) structures of protein–ligand binding complexes, but accurate prediction of ligand-binding poses is still a major challenge for molecular docking due to deficiency of scoring functions (SFs) and ignorance of protein flexibility upon ligand binding.Updated how the resolver handles base type resolution to prevent a possible exception.Improved logic for selecting the best IntelliPrompt parameter info member overload when typing a comma at the end of an argument list.Updated certain edit actions that retain selection to not force the selection range to be normalized.Updated ScrollBar style to be consistent across platform versions.Updated the IntelliPrompt popups to not switch to partial opacity if both Ctrl and Alt are held down.Updated the Caret property to implement INotifyPropert圜hanged and raise the event when the selection changes, thereby allowing UI to bind right to properties such as Position.Updated the hit-testing mechanism to return a new result type for intra-line spacers, which prevents mouse hovers over them from triggering IntelliPrompt quick info.Improved the Cut Line to Clipboard edit action to support multiple lines.Improved how Tab indenting is handled when there is a block selection.Improved numerous edit actions to retain their final selection after the action goes through an undo/redo process.Updated the templates for default property value editors.Updated TreeListBox to properly check CanDragItems prior to starting any sort of drag.
Improved TreeListBox selection tracking performance.Added the TreeListViewColumn.SortDirection property and related ColumnSortDirection enumeration that can be used to indicate that a sort glyph should appear in the column header when paired with a custom sorting mechanism.Adjusted how AutoCompleteBox handles refocusing after a submit occurs.Added the DateTimeEditBox.SetValueToNowCommand property, that resets the Value to DateTime.Now when executed.
#Codejock docking pane force dock windows